On this page you can find information about how I set up my terrariums and my approach to general care and maintenance. |
When I first started keeping snakes there wasn't the choice of ready made terrariums that there is today and so I built my own terrariums from melamine with sliding glass doors. The melamine was good at holding temperature and if you took care not to damage the surface and sealed all the edges with silicone they held up very well to moisture too. The one big drawback with melamine was the weight of the finished terrariums.
Below is an image of part of my current set up in Sweden. All my terrariums are heated using ceiling mounted heat panels that are controlled by Pulse Proportional, Day/Night Thermostats. Daylight lighting on all my terrariums is Arcadia jungle dawn full spectrum LED's.
Any young that I produce are kept in a rack system that has back heat supplied by heat mats covering the back wall of the rack. They are again controlled by Pulse Proportional thermostats and have a general temperature of 29.5C at the rear of the tubs and 27.5C at the front with no night drop.
The tubs are kept quite basic to allow for easy cleaning and generally have paper towels for substrate with plastic perches, plastic hide boxes with an entrance hole cut in the top, damp sphagnum moss hide box and small glass water bowls.
I change all my animals water at least a couple of times a week and disinfect all water bowls every two weeks. To disinfect the water bowls, feeding tongs, hooks and to clean tubs/terrariums when needed I use a product called DAX Plus. Research into python digestion has shown the intestines and liver grow in size by up to three times their original size after prey is swallowed. These organs begin to shrink in size again after the prey passes through the intestines and return to normal size within the next eight days or so after the prey has been digested. |
I build display style terrariums for my collection and find when observing my adult animals at night under low intensity red light, all of my collection will make full use of the space they are given.
For my arboreal species I aim to provide perches with plant cover above them and I find that the daily resting places of these animals vary quite frequently. Rather than always sitting on the highest perch as is commonly reported in many arboreal species, most of my arboreal snakes choose to sit in areas that have leaf cover above them. This male Morelia viridis (Green tree python) uses three or four perch positions in his terrarium but almost always chooses areas of perch that are under leaf cover. Something that I have been trying since 2013 is adding backgrounds to my terrariums. I have tried to add to the terrariums usable space by incorporating shelves and hides in the background design at both the warm and cool sides of the terrarium, whilst giving the terrariums a more natural look. One big advantage that I have found with using a background is how easy it is to quickly increase humidity, as the background gives a much larger surface area to spray when needed.
I've also started to use a blended substrate of peat moss, sphagnum moss and bark chip. This allows planting directly into the substrate rather than keeping the plants in pots. After trying this in a couple of terrariums I changed nearly all my terrariums from bark chip substrate to this blended substrate. Another scaped enclosure These deeper bio active type substrates keep humidity levels up whilst staying dry on the surface compared to the bark chip. The substrate can be quite heavily watered and will slowly release the moisture over several days from the bottom up whilst leaving the surface relatively dry. This keeps general humidity more stable and avoids the need for daily spraying to raise humidity levels. It has shown good results with better sheds, especially with Leiopython albertisi and Bothrochilus boa. Very thin skinned python species that often have trouble sloughing in one piece. I have also noticedmore active behaviour generally in my snakes since changing substrate. Simalia amethistina (Northern scrub python) enclosure. |